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Scaffolding Rugby

Rugby and Scaffolding - End to End Systems and No Duplication

February 08, 20233 min read

Some of the time I look for the little things that make WORLD class people worldclass...

More and More I see that it is lots of little things that are practiced over and over again till near perfection...

Ritchie McCaw was one of the greatest All Blacks (Rugby union) of modern history...

He recently wrote in his book...

"I live in that split second of time and space at the

breakdown, a collision zone where 100-plus-kilogram

bodies are hurtling from diverse points of the compass

towards a small ovoid focus. 

Success or failure can be measured in microseconds.

Openside flankers live or die in those slivers of time"

...From Ritchie McCaws Autobiography (Legendary All Black from 2001 to 2015. Started at age 20 and played 148 times for New Zealand at Rugby Union)

I love this story because it shows that his attention to detail where it REALLY counts is what matters

With the systems in your Scaffolding business it can be the difference between making a profit on a job or killing someone.

The attention to detail mentioned in Ritchies book which SET HIM APART from the rest is what also makes for a great scaffolding company.

Below I Started to list all the systems and processes that need to exist to make a successful scaffolding business , they include:

1. QUOTING: A process using experience to calculate the

  • correct per square metre rate

  • number of hours for the quote

  • equipment and gear required

  • install and dismantle pricing including

  • difficulty of access

  • type of scaffold to build

  • amount of scaffold

  • number of stages

  • whether you like the client (this one always makes me smile 😉)

  • whether you want more work from this client

  • slope and site terrain

  • urgency

  • and many many more

2. QUOTING: A process for Quoting customers (normally in Microsoft Word) using a template with cutting and pasting contract conditions and typing up a basic outline of the project.

3. TRACKING: A Whiteboard and/or spreadsheet to track the Jobs

  • Quotes that have been asked for

  • Quotes that are being prepared (and who is doing them)

  • Quotes that have been sent (and SOMETIMES get followed up but normally not because we are just too busy)

  • Quotes that need adjustment or revisions (AND therefore approval or not)

  • Quotes that have been accepted

  • Quotes that are now Jobs that need to be scheduled for erect work

  • Jobs that are going up

  • Jobs that are already up

  • Jobs that need inspections

  • Jobs that need to be Varied or Adjusted

  • Jobs that are Offhire (and even PHASES of a job that are coming up or going down)

  • Dry Hire requests, pickups and deliveries

  • etc etc ( NB. If you want the COMPLETE list of areas that your systems need to cover then pop to the bottom and enter your email and I’ll send you a PDF with the WHOLE LIST of systems that you need)

WOAH HOLD THE PHONE - This is WAY more complicated than the “things to be done in the SPLIT seconds at RUCK time in a rugby game"

I’m not taking anything away from the complications of a rugby game but running a scaffolding company is NOT simple.

The Premise of Scaflog:

“It MUST be integrated to save data entry time (and lots of operational and admin time), it also must solve the problem of missing and incorrect information that happens all-to often with multiple systems that are not well integrated."

If you have been running your scaffolding company for any length of time then you have developed various systems to cover most of those listed above.

If you were ever thinking that there must be a more integrated way of doing all this, well there is and we built it...

If you are interested in the WHOLE SYSTEM LIST then pop your email in below and we’ll send you a PDF and if you are thinking “I am sick of what I have got” then please give us a call and we’ll show you what we built with other scaffolding companies.

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Steve Shepherd

Founder of

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